There are many ways to get to know your fellow parishioners at St. James. If you have questions, please contact the church office at or (480)345-2686.

Coffee Hour

Per CDC and Diocesan guidelines, we meet after our 9:30am Sunday morning worship service for coffee and refreshments where we can chat and catch up!

Ladies Night Out

This fun groups meets for dinner the second Tuesday of each month at a local restaurant to socialize and enjoy a great meal! Please check our church calendar or events page for details about each month’s outing.

Men’s Lunch

The men also meet once/month to socialize for lunch at Biscuits, 4623 E. Elliot Rd., Phoenix. Please check the events page or church calendar for details about each month’s schedule.

Ladies Tea

Once a year in the spring, the ladies in the congregation gather for a special event – patterned after a formal English Tea. The men and the youth serve delicious finger foods, dainty cakes and tea of course! A raffle basket auction accompanies the tea with all proceeds benefitting an outreach or special project.