Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways that gifts can be made to St. James from accumulated resources. It usually involves financial or estate planning; however, it is not reserved for the wealthy. Planned giving is a means by which anyone concerned with the wise use of his/her personal resources makes a considered choice about their ultimate disposition.
In general planned gifts are made through:
- A Bequest in a Will
- A Life Income Gift (pooled income fund, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust)
- Gifts of Special Assets (stock, real estate, tangible personal property, life insurance, retirement account, qualified charitable distribution from an IRA.)
Planned giving can be tax efficient and often enables you to make a larger gift than you thought possible.
Planned gifts can be made to the General Fund or to the Outreach Endowment Fund. Gifts to the endowment fund will be used for outreach within the community and for efforts benefitting children and families.
Before making a planned gift, St. James strongly urges you to consult with your attorney, financial and/or tax advisor. Information presented here in no way constitutes legal or financial advice.
For questions, please contact the church office at office@stjamestempe.org or (480)345-2686.